sixth grade orientation

Greetings 5th Grade Families,

The end of the school year is a very busy and exciting time. You and your incoming 6th grader have probably already begun having discussions about the transition to middle school and the start of 6th grade next year.

On May 8th, GKMS is hosting the 6th Grade Orientation at 6pm at GKMS for 6th grade students and their parents/guardians. At the 6th Grade Orientation, there will be a presentation by our 6th grade teachers outlining what the

incoming 6th grade students can expect on a daily basis at GKMS and answer any questions they may have.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 815-784-5222 or email me I look forward to meeting all of you soon. 6th Grade is going to be Cogtastic!


Craig Butcher
Principal GKMS